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As you all know, this past airing of KPI on KBS World Radio had a Star Chat session with the ever so talented ladies of Davichi! I hope you guys caught it, but if you didn't...no worries! You can always
rewatch it on our
KBS World website!Anyways, like always, here's a post-interview review on the stars. ^^
I'll be straight up honest (when am I not?!), I wasn't particularly looking forward to this interview. I mean, I was in the sense that I love their music and think they are very talented! HOWEVER, I try to do my homework and watch old interviews with whatever star I'm going to be interviewing beforehand. Re-watching Davichi's older interviews, they seemed a bit...stand-offish. Also, being that they're a bit older (not idol-star age) and with a few years of experience under their belts, I thought they might not be as "eager to please" as some of the newbies in the industry.
The girls came into the studio right on time with their manager and stylists. They were initially kind of quiet and stand-offish again. HOWEVER, looking back on it, I think that was more because they're on the quieter side AND they weren't sure how much Korean I could speak. So they didn't want to start talking to me in Korean in case I didn't understand it too well, and they obviously couldn't speak English. I will say this though: my first impression when they walked in was...
"OMG...they're SOOOOOO skinny!!!!!" They were both pretty tall, but SOOOOO thin. It made me feel like a cow! Haha
Anyways, once we got settled into the studio about to start, I tried to break the ice with a few basic questions. They were both surprised and said to me, "You speak Korean very well. The last English interview we had, the host wasn't as comfortable with Korean so it was a bit awkward. But you seem to speak it pretty well." We then started chatting about random things, trivial things (i.e. what they ate for lunch, what time they needed to get to the Music Bank shooting, etc.) until we started the interview.
At the end of the show, they were seriously so sweet! They both were so generous with their compliments. They said such nice things about me as the host (which of course I reciprocated because the host is only as good as their guests!). They said that they enjoyed the interview so much and to invite them in again whenever! ^^
I also told them I had found them on twitter and was now following them. Min-kyeong is not too bad at tweeting, but Haeri's still a newbie. So we were laughing about how Haeri said she had no idea what she was really doing. Before we knew it, they had to go and that was that!
After finishing my other duties at KBS, I was on my way out to my car when I noticed I had a few new tweets flashing on my cell phone. Both Min-kyeong AND Haeri and found me on twitter and tweeted very sweet messages. Just your basic stuff: thank you, hope to see you again soon, etc.
I re-learned the very important lesson: DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER! Just because someone's not super friendly, and in your face, all smiley the very first second you meet them, doesn't mean they're not genuine, nice, and generous people!
Overall, I had a GREAT time meeting the gals and chatting with them! Hope you enjoyed the interview as much as I did!