Take 1

Take 2...although they look pretty much the same! Haha
Initially, the boys all were just posing on their own, but I made what we call in Hawaii as the "shaka" sign and told them that this was what people from Hawaii do, they all got excited and joined in with the "shakas". They were all asking "what does this mean?" and so I answered that it's carries a number of different meanings depending on when you use it. It could be a greeting, an apology (for example, when you cut in front of another driver on the road, you would flash the "shaka" sign), a thank you, etc.
ANYWAYS...so as some of you have correctly guessed (*cough* Michie, Kim, Hermin, Jacqueline, Paul *cough*), our last Star Chat guests were the ever so studly members of BEAST!
This was my first Star Chat with KBS World Radio and so I don't have much to compare this experience to...BUT I still have to say that they were a lot of fun! Conducting an interview is difficult when the people you're interviewing aren't talkative, witty, honest, interested, etc., but the guys were great! I was told to keep it down to like 5 to 10 minutes, but our interview went on for almost 20 minutes! So that should say something in and of itself!
For those of you who missed it, just click
here for not only the interview but VIDEO FOOTAGE of the interview! If you're too quick for us slowpokes at KBS, it may not be up YET, but it will be uploaded within the next day or so... so keep checking! (Also, for future reference, just go to world.kbs.co.kr and click on "Entertainment" up on top, and then "Star Chat" on the left,)
I can honestly say that the guys were SO flattered and blown away by ALL OF YOU! I don't think they realized how many international fans they had! I was reading them some of the messages on my blog and on our
message board. They kept saying "Really??", "Wow...", "No way!"! Haha...it was sweet.
And I remember when I would see interview clips of bands I was OBSESSED with~ Rather than the actual interview CONTENTS, I was interested in what the interviewer HONESTLY thought of the artist/band in terms of how polite they were, their little quirks, how they looked in person, etc. So I'll give you the low-down!
Honestly speaking, they were a bit late to the interview. BUT it was forgivable because they had JUST finished another gig and were trying to squeeze in a quick meal to refuel. Celebrities are always on the go so it's hard for them to eat regularly. When they got there, they gave deep bows to each person in the studio (me, our producer Sophia, our sound engineer, etc.). In Korea, the level of respect you show to someone can be measured by how far down you bow, They gave what we here call "the 90 degree bow" because that's when someone bows so deep that their backs are horizontal creating a 90 degree angle with their legs!
I could tell they were a little nervous because this was an interview in English and none of them spoke English fluently. We usually try to give the artists a few minutes to study a list of translated questions that will be asked. However, because they came so late, they only had a few seconds before we had to start.
If you watch the interview, Doo-joon was the more talkative one I think. And that's kind of how he was in person. He was the most at ease, joking around, etc. I would say Gi-gwang was next at east. The other three were a tad bit shyer. Yo-seob was the shortest of the bunch (as you can tell in the picture), but overall, I was surprised that they were a lot taller than I had expected them to be. They all had GREAT skin (all those celebrity skin treatments probably...) although some of that could have been attributed to make up being that they were wearing some eye make up, foundation, etc.
Hmm...what else can I dish out? I'm already kind of forgetting the little details! Haha...
They were busy (of course!), so as soon as we finished the interview, they signed autographs for Sophia's daughter, took a couple pics, and then their manager was already ushering them out.
Overall, they impressed me with their poise and respect despite the fact that they're IDOL stars and must've been so tired from their hectic lifestyle. And from the SHORT time I spent with them, they seemed to genuinely get along with each other.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Hmm...who should our NEXT Star Chat guest be...