Now many of you may already know, but this past Sunday (March 14th) was WHITE DAY here in Korea! What is White Day you ask?? Well, think Valentine's Day except with gender specific rules...
In western countries, both sexes usually exchange gifts on Valentine's Day. Well, in Korea, the GIRLS are supposed to do the gift giving with chocolates and stuff. Now I know a lot of you ladies are thinking, "WHAT THE HEC?! WHERE'S THE JUSTICE IN THAT?!" Don't worry, we get our day too (although if it was up to me, I'd make it where the guys give girls gifts ALL THE TIME! Christmas, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving...you name it! haha). White Day is when the guys give girls our gifts. However, it's usually hard candy (not so much chocolate).
So how did you all spend your White Day? As for me, I had yummy yummy food and wine all weekend~
Me and a few of my friends had a get-together where we all cooked a dish (I brought the drinks...muahaha so no cooking from my end!). In fact, the hamburger meat in the pic below and the fruit parfaits (they were soooo yummy...) in the pic below were made by a KPop star himself!!! For the sake of anonymity I wont say his name, but here's a hint (if any saavy kpoppers can guess...): for the rest of the night, the taste of those yummy dishes were in my head...

Haha...I wonder if that was too big of a hint. If you keep up with all the latest kpop news and what kind of songs are coming out (AND if you listen to Kpop Connection where me and DJ Young drop some names...), you should have guessed it...
Anyways, again, lemme know how you spent your White Day (if you celebrate it). If you don't celebrate it, give me your two cents on this...
Let the answering begin!!!
Hi Angie,
ReplyDeleteIt is GOOD to have Valentines Day and White Day. (I know there is a Black Day too right?) We don't have White Day here in Malaysia except for Valentine's Day so there is no celebration for that.
Now for the question:-
I'd like to spend my White Day with (hmmnn Let see).... Super Junior Leeteuk. I'll give him a homemade chocolate and a self-knitted sweat shirt. Ha Ha Ha
Michelle Lim
The food looks yummy and I think it is made by DJ young. AM I Right?? hehe
ReplyDeletehi angie...
ReplyDeletei'm ida from malaysia.remember me???hehehe..i wish i could spent my white day with hankyung (or maybe eunhyuk and eeteuk.. hehe. being too greedy)from super junior and i will give him my love and hugs...hehehe.kidding...i'll cook something delicious for him .maybe some malaysian foods...
hi angie , White day is not well known in Indonesia, so I never celebrate it. Furthermore, The financial crisis have made me forgot that day..hahaha.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'd love to spent white day with Brown eyed soul. I wanna sing a song together with them. And I want to give a simple gift, it is The batik shoes. I will draw the design special for them. Do u know batik..?? it's a traditional javanese design of our culture. I want korean peoples know about our culture, because we also know about korean culture. Ehmmm..Angie could u play "my everything" by brown eyed soul? please.. thanks
warm regards from me" HERMIN "
Hey Angie! Of COURSE since I'm here in the states we don't celebrate White Day (but then again, we don't celebrate Valentine's day either). Anyhoo, if I did get to celebrate it with a celebrity it would be B2ST. LOL That's right, not 1 but 6 cuties giving me gifts. And I DEMAND chocolate... or a pig rabbit. LOL
PS - I listen to the show all the time and I pretty much eat, sleep and breathe k-pop... but I have NO clue who the "mystery celebrity" is (GASP!) WAIT!! "In my head..." name drop by Young... Mr. Joo?!!? I won't say his first name, but he's from Jersey isn't he!? LOL
Kim Shaw
Alexandria, VA USA
Hello!~ Reena here from Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteI would like to celebrate my white day with is with Alex from Clazziquai. Loved him since the birth of Clazziquai.
Hmm...at the kitchen, cooking some pasta *caught up from the PASTA drama character* or some of famous local food and later on *if it doesn't rain* just stare at the beautiful stars while eating ice-cream.
HI Angela! It's Jacqueline from Nova Scotia, Canada.
ReplyDeleteI would like to celebrate my White Day with Kim Bum! Although he is younger than me, he seems like the sweetest guy to have on your arm for White Day.
On Valentine's I would give him a cute, cuddly teddy bear, hoping he would hug it. And maybe he'd give me one in return for White Day. ^_^
HI!! IT Luan from Chicago, US.
ReplyDeleteOMG! This is gonna be hard to chose!!!!!
I would spend my White Day with........... Junus from DBSK. HE is so CUTE!!!! We even share the same birthday so I would like to spend White Day with him too ^^
Hello Dj Angie!:)
ReplyDeletei know its kinda late to answer..because just listened you read the comments..sad:'(..but i still want to answer it hehehe...if i have a chance to celebrate white day(i didn't celebrate it)i really wanna spend my time with Big Bang especially Daesung!i think he is funny...really love them...kekeke^^ hopefully can be true...but i know it really difficult to come true...huuu~
oh i forgot to answer...if the wish come true, i would like to cook for them malaysian food!hehe^^