Hi everyone~
Being that this is the week of American Thanksgiving, I thought, why not revolve our Y2C question around it.
Granted that when the episode of KPI actually airs on Sunday, Thanksgiving would've already been over...but still. =)
So what are you MOST thankful for this Thanksgiving season? Perhaps you underwent some physical issues and so your health is really that much more precious to you then ever. Or maybe you met someone this year and so you're thankful for that new love in your life. Maybe you got a new job and so you're thankful to be employed when many others are still dealing with the repercussions of the global recession. The reasons are endless! Let me know what one person or thing you're EXTRA thankful for this year is!
And just a little tidbit of info:
I usually start compiling together the comments and put together my script towards Thursday night or Friday morning (Korea time) so if you add on your comments right before the show, I'll still check it later, but the chances I read them are a lot lower because I have the basic script prepared already. Just FYI. ;)
So if you want your answers read, the earlier you post them the better! Thanks guys like ALWAYS and have a GREAT week and GREAT Thanksgiving if you celebrate it. Eat lots of yummy food!!
This might sound a little cliche, but I have to say that I'm really thankful for getting to know a wonderful radio program called "K-Pop Connection" and the program's wonderful DJs Angie and DJ Young. Yes, it is cliche, but I'm really thankful I found this radio program back in February, cos' for the first time I felt connected to Korea and the world of K-pop through the daily radio show. Thanks, Angie and DJ Young for presenting K-Pop and Korean culture in such a fun and quirky way over the airwaves ;D Love both of you to bits ;D MUACKS!!!
ReplyDeleteThe one person I'm extra thankful would be of course, my lovely Omma ;D This year had been a really taxing year for me since I had national exams at the end of the year (thankfully it's over now) and I was busily preparing for the exams day in day out. Though my Omma might be soft-spoken, she expresses her love in ways that is often indescribable. For example, on weekends when I'm burying my head to the mountain of books and feeling very drained, she will almost instantly serve up a bowl of warm chicken soup. Sounds trivial, but it's really a lovely gesture and I'd gulp the whole bowl of soup down immediately before returning to my books. After each individual subject's exam, she'd be the first one to call within 15 minutes and ask whether I was feeling okay and whether I was confident of my answers for the exam.
It's these gestures that really make me feel extra, extra, EXTRA thankful for my wonderful Omma ;D I would like to give a huge shout out,"OMMA!!! I LOVE YOU!!!"
i'm thankful for being me. i'm thankful that i'm still here, enjoying life with the people i love. always remember,be thankful and stop comparing yourself with what other people have and feel enough with what you have will make you the richest person on earth..
ReplyDeleteHi Angie~ hope u had aLovely WeekEnd ^_<.. ireally miss writting for ur program *being busy with work "미술 선생
ReplyDelete" ahh~* so stressing..anyway..
emm this year like every year im so Thankful for the singer "이루" coz he is the first Korean Singer & guy i knew im big fan of him since his debut He Shined my life by knowing more about the Kpop from him.. Finally i had the chance to thank him from ur show..and I really really Wish him All the BEST in his life..
and i hope that u'll invite soon him in ur show..
and also i want to Thank YOU Angie ^.^ Coz u give us the chance to be close from our stars from the Kpop n U..
후다 _ 카타르
hye , all . i don't get to answer y2c last week .
ReplyDeleteso , i'd spent my time thought of the answer for y2c this week .
what am i most thankful ? hmmmm . i think my family ? i guess so . yea , eventhough not always happy and have millions of problem , we're still together .
when i even thought of running away from home , i always wonder , how would they be without me . and that makes me change my decision .
staying at this house , driving me crazy , i feel stress and feel like aaaaahhh ! no words can describe it .
but , i can still feel love that my parents and siblings give to me . so , i'm really thankful to have such a problematic family .
Hey Angie,
ReplyDeleteI'm most thankful for my wonderful wife. I'm thankful for family and friends, for having a job, my students (some of them ^^), Park Hyo Shin, Kim Bum Soo, Big Mama, cheesecake and lasagna, and for being able to listen to KPC and KPI (if my internet doesn't act up).
Thanks and God Bless,
Paul T.
I'm thankful for my mum also. I've always thought, if in the future I'd have half her patience and care, I'd be a great mother.
ReplyDeletei know everyone is thankful for their family, but i have a slightly different story from most.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and dad adopted me from one of my mom's accqaintences who was struggling through a divorce and already had one child that she could barely take care of. I've always been really ADD, and i've always thought at an extremely high level for my age (at age 4 i had an IQ of almost 140), and i don't really fit in well with people my own age. my mom is kinda in the same boat (being similarly gifted and coming from a poor, mixed race family in the 60's), so if she and my dad hadn't been the one to adopt me, i would probably be another misunderstod, over-medicated kids who gets bounced from one foster home to the next, rather than being the well-loved, but slightly exccentric language nerd i am today. XD
my mom really helped me find my place in the world and discover what i wanted to do with my life, and even to squash down my ADD to the point that i didn't even know i HAD it, and i can't imagine what would've happened to me if i'd ended up with anyone else.
but aside from my family, i am definitely thankful that kpop is out there and available to us no matter where we are in the world, because it's a refreshing change from the self-destructive junk i have to listen to all the time on the radio.
and FOR SURE!!! i'm thankful for wonderful people like you who help open the door to all of us who don't speak a word of korean and can't understand anything going on. You make the adventure seem a LOT less scary just by being there.
We love you Angie <3 <3 <3!
(sorry for the long, life-story-ramble, but i have to tell that story EVERY YEAR. it's just kinda my thing... ^^;)
Hi Angie,
ReplyDeleteOn a serious note, I'm thankful for family and friends - glad they are still around, keeping me sane, inspiring me and challenging me.
On a lighter note, I'm grateful to KBS and the people who work so hard to bring us
a. the music, entertainment, infotainment connected to Kpop and Hallyu
b. the generosity of KBS in giving away various lovely prizes and tokens throughout the year
Wishing all listeners a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Angie,
ReplyDeleteHere are the things I'm thankful for:
Currently, I'm thankful for 2 things:
1. Having the privilege to go to school for a chance to pave my future, something many teenagers in the world don't have.
2. KPOP. Haha, this may seem so trivial compared to my first point, but seriously, if I had to go through all my school stress without some Suju or 2AM or whatnot, I would NOT be sane!
Hi Angie ^^
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my new job! It was sooo stressful those few months of lying around the house so helpless. Now my bills are being paid and I can go shopping! Hehe... But one bad thing came out of it, I wasn't able to go see JYJ in LA!!! I was sooo devastated! (Sigh) But I heard they will be coming back to the U.S. soon - let it be true! ^^
Most importantly, I'm thankful that my family are well & in good health.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
Kathy Xiong
California, USA
Hi Angie~ did you have a great week?
ReplyDeleteI have sooo many things I need to be thankful for, but I will only mention a few.
1. I thank for my parents who brought be to this world and to Canada where I achieved many things and made my dream come true. Well, somewhat came true.
2.Being able to join Air Cadets and learning to fly~ literilly fly, in airplanes.
3.this is a funny one, but i thank my dad for being tall so that I got some DNA from him that made me tall~ lol...
4. lastly but for sure not the least, K-POP, and K-pop connection! =D You guys just makes my life better. Being able to relax and listen to radio after a day of hard work makes things seem better. So thank you K-pop connection! Workers, Angie, and DJ Young!
Everyone should be thankful of what they have now.
-HB Wang
From China/Canada
Hi Angie Noona! I am thankful for a lot of things this year: My mom is preggers with her seventh child this year. (If it turns out to be a boy, I am nick-naming him se7en. lol.) I am thankful for Kpop and K Dramas. (I first listened to kpop and watched k dramas this march) (I really don't know what I did before this) I am thankful for my new job at a Korean Market. (My boss loves me so much! She gave me a large and expensive case of pears for thanksgiving) And of course, You guys. You bring me laughter and joy every day. Love you guys <3 P.S. thanks for playing my song request!
ReplyDeleteIsaac Semrad, USA.
Hi Angie,
ReplyDeleteI'm most thankful that I was able to fly over from Sydney to NY to see JYJ showcase !! =D Thank you 2010 !!