Thursday, November 4, 2010

Words Behind The Lyrics: Gummy "죽어도 사랑해" "Love You Even If I Die"

“죽어도 사랑해” “Love You Even If I Die”

어떤 일이 있어도 너란 사람
Regardless of what happens, a person like you…
나를 항상 믿어 주기를
I hope you always believe in me
세상 끝에 있어도 너란 사람
Even when at the end or edge of the world, a person like you…
나를 찾을 때까지 걸어와 주기를
I hope you continue walking until you find me.

더 바랄 게 없는 걸 갖고 싶은 게 없는 걸
I don’t hope for anything more. Don’t want anything more
난 너만 있으면 좋아
I’m good as long as I have you

널 사랑해 사랑해 내 말이 들리지 않니
I love you, love you. Can you not hear my words?
눈물 나게 사랑해 내 맘이 보이지 않니
I love you to tears. Can you not see my heart?
숨을 쉬는 모든 것들이 죽어도 모를 만큼
Even if everything that has breath dies, it’s to the point where I wouldn’t notice
너 만을 사랑해
I only love you

하나라도 있으면 안 했겠지
Even if there was just one, I suppose I wouldn’t have
사랑하면 안 되는 이유
One reason where I shouldn’t love you
하나라도 있으면 안 되겠지
Even if there was just one, I guess we shouldn’t
내 손하고 너의 손 떼야 하는 이유
One reason where my hand and your hand lets go of each other

늘 힘 겨운 날에도 잠 못 이루는 밤에도
Even on the hardest of days, even on the most sleepless of nights
난 너만 있으면 좋아
I’m good as long as I have you

먼지처럼 흩어질 행복일까 걱정 돼
I’m worried that this happiness will just scatter like the dust
혼자 불안해 하는 날 안아 줘
Hug me as I’m anxious by myself

널 사랑해 사랑해 내 가슴 안에 둘 만큼
I love you, love you. Enough to keep you in my heart
눈물 나게 사랑해 내 눈에 넣을 그 만큼
I love you to tears. Enough to make you the apple of my eye (literally “enough to put you in my eye”)
처음 만난 그 순간부터 하루도 잊지 않고
From the first moment we met without forgetting for even a single day…
너 만을 사랑해
I only love you

1 comment:

  1. hi Angie,
    Thanks for the translation work as usual!

    Wonder if there are any Korean love songs out there that DON'T contain the phrase "saranghaeyo"?

    How about a Y2C on the lyrics that readers think are the most meaningful?

